Saturday, September 1, 2007

My student film.


Ian Milne said...

I would like to re-do the sound for this film if I get a chance. It seems incomplete the way it is.

Kohyunu said...

I remember this film from the grad. Good job for the ambitious concept. Music related animation is always hard, and I appreciate any animation that tries to go for infinity.. AND BEYOND!! :)

Tony Mendez said...

Wow, this film looks gorgeous, i'm not sure about the sound, i have my computer on mute, i'll see it again with sound later, Someone brought over the new foo fighter album and it's playing now, so i can't stop that yet, it's sounding wonderful though. awesome stuff, man. I found your blog through cold hard flash, your flash short was good too, man. You got two hits here! That bird character almost looks like a bird character i made last year, gotta love that rubber hosed animation!