Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sketches from work....

Some random sketches from work and a cowboy!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

TEDx Georgia Strait

TEDxGeorgiaStrait - The New Energy 2011 from TEDxGeorgiaStrait on Vimeo.

Here is a 40sec piece I directed for the TEDx Georgia Strait event on FEB 26 here in Vancouver! The theme will be " The New Energy" Good times!

Check it out and attend! http://tedxgeorgiastrait.com/

And and a special thanks to Fiona Rayher for over seeing the production!

Here's the credit list: Thanks so much for the help everyone!

Ian Milne - Direction/Story boards/animation/ Color and Design
Tammy Dubinsky - Background Design
Tzanko Tchankov - Animation
Choom Lam - Cube fx
Michelle Clement- After Effects Compositing
Matt Thomas - Awesome Music!

These fine folks are in my links Check them out!